Well basically Malcolm X was a modern-day Julius Caesar since he was murdered by the same people who helped him get started as a spokesman and they were both thought to be leaders by others. A difference in them I guess would have to be that Julius Caesar was an ancient European ruler from noble roots while Malcolm X was an African-American ex-convict turned political and social leader.
Reporting on good deeds may change society’s expectations about performing them.
"Putting Good Deeds in Headlines May Not Be So Good" is an article written by Tovia Smith. In his report, Smith says that when good deeds are publicized, one dimishes the value of being good or doing good deeds. While interviewing an expert, the expert said to Smith that when the good deeds, which should be an ordinary norm, is portrayed as extraordinary, it brings moral inflation. Performing good deeds should not be made an extraordinary thing as it poses the danger of creating expectations of not doing good.
People should perform good deeds as a normal standard, as a human being, and not to get a celebrity treatment.
Thus, the central idea of the article is that reporting about good deeds pose the threat of changing society's view on performing them as well.
Its either A or D I think.
Interfere is a synonym of meddle.
I really don't know how to explain it sorry.
-hope it helps