Leo Tolstoy
<em>"How Much Land Does a Man Need?"</em> is a Russian short story written by <u>Leo Tolstoy</u> in 1886.
Jargon are the formal words that are used by the professionals. Such words are not usually understandable by the normal people. These are the specialized or technical words. Such words are only understandable by professors or professionals of the concerned subject.
Following are the jargon and the English counterparts
1) Advantageous Helpful
2) Affected Impacted
3) Cutting Edge Leading
4) Disseminate Spread
5) State of the Art Latest
6) Utilization Use
The everlasting question, cats or dogs. Some favor one over the other; like them both or don’t like either of them. I personally prefer cats for many reasons. They have a lot of personalities, they are more independent and their owner’s health benefits from them.
In my opinion, cats have more personality than dogs because they don’t follow your every command. If they want to knock a cup over they’ll do it regardless of you telling them not to. If they don’t want to do something you can’t force them to do it.
Secondly, cats are more independent than dogs because you don’t have to take them for walks to keep them healthy. Cats can also use the bathroom by themselves rather than having to be let out as dogs do.
Lastly, humans health benefit from having a cat. They reduce stress, help the immune system, lower risk of heart disease and many more.
For these reasons, cats are the superior animal of the two.
Good luck!!
MacBeth attempts to resolve his conflict by doing the act again. He is consumed by guilt and anger from killing the king that he ends up killing another. This only makes him worse and throws him into the path of evil and tyranny.<span />
n between 7th of April 1994 and July 1994, Rwanda witnessed a genocide which cost about 1 million lives.
During the dehumanization, the organizers utilized the instrument of equating the Tutsis to snakes and roaches. It was an instrument they deployed in order to consistently dehumanize their victims.
Dehumanization is an act of downgrading and degrading of human beings or making humans to be equal with animals or to other non-human creatures. Dehumanization is referred by Prof. Gregory Stanton as the fourth in genocide out of ten.
Dehumanization has always been part of a genocidal government which they use to excuse their action on their target.