Answer: People must be able to share ideas without fear of punishment to participate in civic life. It limits the government's power through listing its responsibilities and including a bill of rights.
Well there were many theories back then as to what causes sickness or health however one of the main theory's was one which involved the elements. You see, many mid evil doctors thought that having too much of one of the four main elements could lead to sickness. For instance, lets say you had a fever. The doctor would say that you have to much fire in you and you should take a cold bath to get your frost elements up. I know by today's standards it sounds crazy but thats what they believed back then.
Lincoln Douglas made a point of telling how horrible slavery was in regard to the fact that he was not allowed to have any leisure time, he was often beaten, and was denied access to an education for some time.
Explanation: separation of powers and checks and balances
Roman Catholic Church that granted full<span> or </span>partial<span> remission of the punishment of sin. The granting of indulgences was predicated on two beliefs. They basically were taking their money over something not true. </span>