The American West was indeed a land of great opportunity from 1865 to 1900 in the sense that there was an abundance of land and resources available to all those willing to go west.
the quick and effective use of amour and air power
blitzkrieg crumpled Poland, France and Russia
Domestic crisis is the answer
Domestic trends
There was an increased surge of nationalism in countries in Europe such as Spain under Franco, Italy under Mussolini and Germany under Hitler, which fueled dictatorial war ambitions. the financial conditions that hit the USA and European countries created conditions for hostility and conspiracies.
Foreign policy trends
increased imperialistic desires from European imperial powers and Japan increased tensions the weakness of the league of nation and the refusal of the usa to join it weakening it furtherthe formation of alliances also fueled tensionsthe policy of allied powers led by Neville chamberlain,called appeasement policy served to give the axis powers to prepare for war.
The first amendment
The Sedition and Alien acts was a limitation of press freedom and it was also against the freedom of speech.
People could face imprisonment or be fined for talking against or criticizing the president, congress and the government of the united states.
The VA resolutions (Virginia and Kentucky) condemned this act because it was a violation of free speech as contained in the first Amendment of the constitution. Therefore making it unconstitutional