1. Repetition of inicial consonants - Alliteration - <em>stylistic device</em>
2. giving the appearance of saying one thing while meaning something else- Irony: <em>a figure of speech. difference between appearance and reality.</em>
3. a comparison using like or as - Simile: a<em> figure of speech used to compare.</em>
4. consists of two rhyming lines of verse with five iamic feet - heroic couplet: <em>literary device.</em>
5. giving something human characteristics - Personification: <em>figure of speech.</em>
6. a story in which things represent parts of a doctrine or theme - Allegory: <em>figure of speech used to teach moral lessons.</em>
7. poem with fourteen lines - Sonet: <em>it has a specific rhyme scheme</em>
8. rediculing something in order to correct behaviour - satire: <em> it criticizes by ridiculing</em>
9. Swift, Johnson, and Goldsmith's political party - Tory
10. tone in The Desert Village - sentimental.
Queen Elizabeth most likely used different rhetorical appeals in her Address to the Troops at Tilbury and her Response to Parliament's Request That She Marry due to differences in audience and purpose.
Answer: Option 3.
Rhetorical appeals are also known as the ethical strategies. They are used as the modes of persuasion which is used by the speaker or the narrator in a speech or a novel.
They are the devices that classify the speaker's appeal to the audiences. The different rhetorical appeals are known as the ethos, pathos, logos and the least used one is kairos.
Maggie experience being burnt while their home was burned. She was devastated while watching the burning yet Dee seems to be okay with what is happening. It was a huge tragedy to Maggie as that house serves as their only memories of the family and at is all they ever had.