I think you mean "abeka" it means geography
To better conceal his identity from slave catchers, the escaped slave changed his last name from Bailey to Douglass.
けんじさん( は )いつも( x )みず( を )のみます。
でも コーヒー( は )のみません。
せんせい( は )がっこう( で )にほんご( を )はなします。
たいてい( x )おひるごはん( に )ホットドッグ( を )たべます。
1) was not actually Egyptian.
2) her beauty is a myth.
3) he married his two brothers.
4) was involved in the murder of her brothers.
5) always made dramatic entrances.
6) had a daughter from Julius Caesar.
7) the cause of death is unclear.
8) she and Mavo Antonio dujdarin a club of drinkers.