In the first stanza of "The Chimney Sweeper" by William Blake we know that the speaker got his job because he is sold to his employer by his father.
The type of persuasive appeal Jane Austen uses in the passage of "On Making an Agreeable Marriage" is emotional.
The human sound the assonance between "fast" and "pants" echoes in these lines from "Kubla Kahn" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is the murmuring sound of people talking in low voices.
In William Blake's "The Lamb", the word best describes the relationship between the child and the lam is harmonious.
In this passage from "On Making an Agreeable Marriage" by Jane Austen, Jane Austen worries that Fanny will ignore her good advice.
Dialect is an effective way to address lofty topics.
The word that best describes Mary Shelley's first attempts to find an idea for a ghost story is fruitless.