(in the former Soviet Union) the policy or practice of restructuring or reforming the economic and political system.
Answer: El decreto unió las raíces judeo-cristianas del continente europeo con la cultura greco-romana. Hasta el Concilio de Nicea, en el año 325, las iglesias cristianas eran incendiadas, quienes profesan la religión cristiana eran perseguidos y su patrimonio era confiscado. Particularmente bajo el emperador Diocleciano se intensificó la persecución cristiana. Diocleciano quería revivir los viejos cultos paganos y que éstos se convirtieran en la religión del imperio. Pero su política anticristiana fracasó y fue eliminada por su sucesor, el emperador Constantino. El aparato militar y el administrativo funcionaban bien en el Imperio Romano. Una zona de libre comercio había impulsado el bienestar económico. Los habitantes de Roma gozaban de derechos civiles, lo que promovía una creciente cohesión entre la población, sin embargo, no había libertad religiosa.
Answer: Horses. Riding on horses in battle or just finding a place to settle would have been much easier than walking. So, the were helpful in battle and they were helpful to nomads.
The U.S constitution was fully signed on July 4th, 1776, the day America lawfully became a country.
When Abraham is commanded by God to go to Canaan the reason is to establish a new religion, one that is monotheistic. Abraham is told to go to Canaan, away from the land of his fathers, to honor God and to establish his own family.
After leaving Egypt God gave the Hebrews 10 laws by which to follow his plan for the people. Moses received the commandments at Mount Sinai, and later showed them to the people of Israel.