Sure! the question is are you good with math? math is currently giving me loads of trouble
And are you good with song lyrics?
This will NOT determine if i want to be your friend or not! promise!
The plaque may represent a certain kingdom or dynasty as it
depicts the king and his attendants and guards in the plaque. It cannot deciphered unless you have the
complete plaques for it was made in a set and hung in the halls depicted the lineage
of the royal family.
1. Many make the argument that Richard Nixon was the last "liberal" Republican president, considering opening up of trade and signing into law massive environmental policies.
2. Many consider FDR to be the moment that the Democratic party switched from a more agrarian conservative party to the modern "liberal" party that it is today. As I mentioned with your other question, this occurred after Progressives that had split after Teddy Roosevelt last found their new home in the Democratic party. A similar drift would occur as Richard Nixon used the Southern Strategy to peel southern Democrats away and towards the new Republican party
3. Many consider Ronald Reagan to be the first true modern conservative President. Reagan embraced many of the tenets of the failed Goldwater presidential run and is still hailed as the gold standard for Conservative presidents.
4. Many consider Lyndon Johnson to be our most reliably liberal presidents. Johnson took the New Deal programs and expanded them with his "War on Poverty" but his legacy was ultimately complicated by the war in Vietnam.
Answer:What is the Shirer thesis?
Shirer's thesis: Germans didn't accept the Treaty of Versailles, although it was reasonable, nor did they accept their new government, the Weimar Republic. Germans bitterness towards the Treaty and their lack of support for the Weimar Republic caused Germany to be a “house divided” and facilitated the rise of Hitler.