You have to be more specific for people to be able to answer your question.
Indiana became a state on December 11, 1816.
-lack of clarity and consistency of national objectives and standards.
-complex and inflexible approval processes.
we know that
According to Sigmund Freud, the principle of reality is what prevents doing something that is not correct.
To understand the principle of reality, it is important to have an idea of how the two personality components identified by Freud work. The ID seeks to satisfy the initial desire. It is governed by the pleasure principle: the idea that impulses must be fulfilled immediately.
The ego, on the other hand, is the component of the personality that ensures that the desires of identification are satisfied in an effective and appropriate manner; In other words, the ego is governed by the principle of reality.
The ego does not try to block an impulse, but, on the contrary, it works to make sure that the wishes of the id are fulfilled in a safe, realistic and appropriate way.
the answer is
According to Freud, asking to earn the money comes from the ego, which provides a compromise solution that reflects the reality principle
Prestige is a concept or factor that receives relatively little sustained attention in the specialist academic work on nations, national identity and nationalism. It is, however, an implicit influence in much of this literature. Evidence, perspectives and insights, suggesting that prestige is a vital element in the psychological constitution of nations, emerge from a diverse range of sources.