The TET offensive
The offensive started in Vietnam new lunar year, known as lunar holiday. The north Vietnamese communist regime and the Vietcong, the rebel group that was fighting against the south Vietnam regime launched a series of attacks. the USA joined the war with an aim of containing the spread of communism as the North wanted to reunite with the south.
Land surrounding the Panama Canal is very fertile. The warm tropical weather is good for growing things. The original river and later the building of canal made trading very convenient. So there are a lot of industries developed in that region.
There were two parties in China after World War 2: the Nationalists and the Communists. The Nationalists were led by Chiang Kai Shek, and the Communists were led by … Mao Ze Dong. The Communists defeated the Nationalists, and Chiang Kai Shek fled to Taiwan to set up a government there.