-Arrival of the shabby stranger
-Maxwell's challenge to first church
-Norman applies to challenge the newspaper
-Norman faces public reaction to the challenge
-Maxwells' speech to the working man
-The crisis of Powers' decision about the law violation
-Rachel and Virginia struggle with how Christ would act in their cases
-Rachel dedicates her voice to the Lord
-Dedication of Maxwell to the ministry in the Rectangle
-Resignation of Powers
-Dedication of Wright and Marsh to political involvement in the rectangle problems.
Charlemagne was able to gather together many of the former
Roman Empire’s European territories by conquering many European kingdoms and fighting
off invaders. He ventured out to different lands and invaded different cities
and countries to be part of the Roman Empire.
D. Germany's invasion of Belgium.
Enconmienda differed from slavery in that the Spanish designed the system partly as an economic one, but also as a means of civilizing/Christianizing the indigenous peoples of Latin America and the American Southwest. Slavery, on the other hand, was purely an economic system and instead of encompassing indigenous peoples, it involved the forced relocation of inhabitants of Africa to North and South America.