1. <u>Jason</u> enjoyed the movie about <u>France</u>.
2. The <u>musicians</u> <u>play</u> marching songs.
3. Music lovers thrill to the sound of <u>trumpets</u>.
4.<u> Boys</u> and <u>girls</u> are often eager to listen.
5. <u>The conductor</u> moves his <u>baton</u> vigorously.
6. There is no death penalty for <u>criminals</u> in <u>Puerto Rico</u>.
7. The "<u>Explorer</u>," crammed with <u>scientific instruments</u>, was launched on January 31, 1958.
8. <u>New Mexico</u> was admitted as a state in the twentieth century.
9. <u>Chester Arthur</u> was nominated for vice-president by the Republican Party in 1880.
10. <u>Winston Churchill</u> was the man whose courage led <u>the nation</u> from defeat to victory.
The speaker means that B. <span>Even when they were tired and had doubts, they remained faithful.
The "voices singing in [their] ears" were themselves, thinking of the doubts they have. </span>
The west side of the area
O He means to show that everyone, not just he, has experienced sin and sorrow and should therefore try not to hide from others or from God.
Nathan iel Ha wtho rne's "The Minister's Bla ck Ve il" revolves around the story of a church priest who had a black ve il on his face no matter what. This black ve il would stay on him, unremoved, till his death.
De s pite many que sti ons and req u ests from E li z a beth, his girl friend, Fat her H oop er refused to let the ve il go n or would he all ow her to have a pe ek at his face once. Towards the end of the story, at his de at h bed, the dying H o oper refused to let the v eil go des pite the mi ni st er from West bury asking "Are you ready for the lif tin g of the v e il that sh u ts in ti me fr om et er ni ty?" Father H ooper instead told him that, like others use various means to hide their trans gress ions and sins, his v eil is taken as a means to hide sins. And in that discourse, he expressed his belief that everyone hides their s ins but that should not be how it should be. The si ns and sorrows should not be hidden from God and from others.
Thus, the correct answer is the first option.
I would help but I cant tell which clause is underline! sorry