The chromatic scale contains all twelve tones inside the standard Western octave. ... A diatonic scale is best understood as one which moves through pitch letter names in sequence, without skipping any letters, applying accidentals to certain pitches so as to create a pattern of whole steps and half steps.
Physical abuse. Mental Abuse. Cyber-Bullying
Composition is the way you arrange the visual elements in your piece. Kinda like organizing in a way.
C. Make the horizon line relatively low in the painting
By identifying the purpose of an ad, you are able to see what it is actually about. If you didn't know the reason behind the purpose, you might be confused as to why is this ad even an ad overall. Whenever you find out the suitable audience the ad is directed to, you are able to see if it's suitable for you. For example, if there was an ad featuring a men spray a female would most likely not buy it but a man would. This is the same for the other gender. Of course if some females like men spray, they would buy it. However, you can clearly see that, that ad is forwarded towards men.