The answer to your question is hindiusim
Growth stage
The Growth stage -
Fire begins with a growth period which either transits to a rapid flashover period or, if that stage is not reached , starts to decay and fire ends . Growth phase is usually defined as the preflashover stage. Traditionally , compartment fires are either a fuel-controlled or ventilation controlled .
Fuel controlled fire is when the oxygen is available to combust all available fuel vapors in enclosure . Whereas ventilation controlled fire is when there is no enough oxygen to combust all the fuel available inside the enclosure.
The correct answer is - the air.
The Namib Desert is one of the driest places on the planet and that is due to the cold and dry ocean currents alongside the southwestern part of Africa which are not providing the right conditions for precipitation to occur.
Even though there's no rain, because the Namib Desert is very hot, and the ocean currents very cold, the end result is mist that appears every morning, as well as dew.
The plants living in this desert have evolved in accordance to the conditions, so instead of being dependent on their roots for getting water, they get the majority of the water through their leafs and skin, directly from the air.
Papua new guinea