Religion has played a very important role in the Sumerian society. The Sumerians believed they were supposed to obey and serve the gods. They believe they were inferior to the gods and afraid of what the gods could do to them. They believed in the afterlife and if they were good in their first life they would be rewarded in their second life. The most beautiful temples were built in honor of the gods and they believed that they owned the cities, making their society a theocracy.
The Sumerian culture is known to have a polytheistic religion for Sumerians believe that they were supposed to obey and served their gods and goddesses for it has these enormous power. They believe that the success in every area of their life depends on how they please their gods for people relied on their gods power over the sun, rain, crops, wealth and health.
Moreover, the Sumerians believed that their gods choose where people would be placed on social hierarchy and the priest are the one who interpret the wishes of the gods and made offerings to them.
Those governments resist change, demonstrating that substantial challenges remain before us. Democratization in Eurasia faces many challenges. Progress continues to be measured largely in terms of civil society development; political reform remains stalled – and some states are in fact backsliding.