Tropic of Capricorn
The Tropic of Capricorn which is also known as the Southern tropic is the furthest direction south of the Equator where the Sun can be located vertically overhead as it the location of the subsolar point at the southern solstice. In the middle of June, the Tropic of Capricorn reaches a position of an angle of 90° below the horizon at midnight
The latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn is 23°26'11.8'' south of the Equator, while the location of the Tropic of Capricorn is shifting northward at a rate of 15 meters annually.
Yes, they share the history.
Fifteen-hundred-year ago Christianity is the main religion of African people and with the invasion of Muslims on Africa and conquering many areas, many local people impress from Muslim's behavior and accepted Islam. Christianity was the religion of american people from a long time while it was the initial days of Islam so we can say that Christianity and Islam share a fifteen-hundred-year history in Africa.
Ocean currents, air currents, rotation of the earth.
ocean currents can effect the temperature of the water. air currents can bring in dry warm air, like over Africa and help warm the sea more, or cooler air from the arctic to help cool the surface water. Many of these effect are driven by the Coriolis Effect.