Explanation: they fought it first in eroupe after ww2
Answer: Algunas publicaciones le atribuyen erróneamente a Hrdlička haber postulado la teoría más moderna, aquella que señala que el hombre cruzó caminando por una zona llamada puente de Beringia formado a raíz del descenso del nivel de las aguas del estrecho de Bering, durante el último período glacial.
The correct answers are
A) Boycotting British goods
E) Holding Spinning bees
The Daughters of Liberty were the female equivalent of The Sons of Liberty. Both were formal associations that were build to protest the British Stamp law and the Townshend Act on the American colonies.
The overall goal was to boycott British goods and as most women were responsible for buying groceries and other goods for their houses, they were symbols of defiance.
The Association also held regular 'spinning bees' where women would spin cloth to provide for local people. This was done in order to reduce dependence on imported textile products from Great Britain.
America went through a tough time during this age. The government was very corrupt and authority could easily be bribed. This is why court cases against these things could not easily be won, because of the corruption.