When I go away from you
The world beats dead
Like a slackened drum.
Apostrophe - Talking about someone away from them
Simile - Comparing the world beating dead to a slackened drum
Yes these are also correct. Good job.^_^
Hello. You forgot to mention that this book is about "Anne Frank's diary".
The message about Ms. Van Daan being jealous of the birthday gift Ms. Frank received and the message about her Frank family not being able to stand the Van Daan anymore.
The January 15, 1944 entry from Diario de Anne, shows that there were tensions between the Frank family and the Van Daan family.
Anne shows in this entry that Mrs. Van Daan was jealous because Ms. Frank won sugar on her birthday. That's because Ms. Van Daan didn't get such a precious gift for her birthday. Anne says that in order to contain tensions, the two families are sharing many things, because there is no point in attacking each other, but Anne says that the Franks can no longer support sharing the same space with the Van Daan, but that the war continues , so they have nothing to do but live together.
Wealthy leaders beliefs about the consequences of wrongdoing.
The Navajo are known for weaving carpets and blankets. They first learned how to weave cotton from the people of Pueblo. When they started to keep sheep, they switched to wool. These blankets were valuable and only wealthy leaders could afford them.
They suffered attacks from their neighbors and surrendered the prisoners. They occasionally formed convenient alliances with their enemies and wage wars for a common purpose. They signed a fake treaty with European-American settlers and participated in a campaign against former Native American allies.
The Navajo were nomads who were constantly seeking nutrition. The Navajo ruled the people of Pueblo, New Mexico, and learned agriculture, weaving, and various crafts from them. Bandits have been the cornerstone of the Navajo economy for decades.
Learn more about Navajos at
Okay so i found the answer on Answers.com so this is just a guess, but here it is. "<span>A poster with kitchener pointing on it saying "The army needs you".</span>