The two natural factors are.
Rainfall and river
The two man made factors are
Canal and tube wells
fierce warrior tribes
For hundreds of years, outsiders did not enter the region now known as Kenya because of the fierce warrior tribes that inhabited the area. Arab traders took control of Kenya's coast during the 1800s. Next came Germany and Great Britain, but by the 1900s, the British were the only foreigners who remained.
The difference between the two mentioned magnitudes is 4.
A magnitude 1 earth-quack is 10000 times bigger than a magnitude -3 earth-quack. On the other hand, it is 1000000 times stronger in terms of energy release.
Note: To calculate the difference in energy between two earth-quacks, first you calculate the difference between their magnitudes and then you raise 10 to the output you obtain.
B. American tax money is increasingly spent on services supporting children of illegal immigrants
Answer: Volcano
The Great Rift Valley is the site of major geological activity that stretches from Mozambique to the Middle East. Scientists believe that Africa and the Arabian Peninsula were joined together before they were separated by a process called rifting.
As the Earths tectonic plates begin to tear apart in this region, molten magma emerge from the earth crust to fill the void resulting in a separation.
Geologist estimates that the phenomenon which resulted in the great rift valley started 25 million years ago and gave rise to the Red sea. It is believed that the Indian Ocean flooded into the rift to form the Red Sea.
The.magma that seeps upward to fill crustal voids in the rift valley emerge mainly via volcanoes. Hence, many active and semi-active volcanoes are scattered throughout the region referred to as the Great Rift Valley, including Mount Kenya and Mount Kilimanjaro.