If you have choices, it would be really helpful if you'd include them with your question, but I'd say
More than half of the forests in the Czech Republic have been destroyed by pollution.
No here is not an ethnoburb in Davis county
Clastic and chemical sedimentary rocks
Clastic sedimentary rocks form from the clustering together of weathered rocks, while chemical sedimentary rocks form from the precipitation or separation of dissolved minerals from water.
A. A was deposited most recently in the diagram above, as it is located in the top, showing that is the newest layer to be added.
They´re a source of invaluable information. The study of these cosmic materials allows us to gain knowledge about the history of the solar system, about processes and primary conditions in the universe. We can learn the age and the composition of the planetary building blocks, the temperatures reached at the surface and interiors of asteroids, what kind of effect do materials experience due to impacts in the past.