Well the other guys answer is technically right their a few more details to it. The league of nations was also another attempt to stop further wars between various groups in the world. They didn't want another Holocaust or world war to happen so it made it that all nations would turn on one nation or nations if they did go rogue and attack.
Charleston, South Carolina is a charming city filled with history ready for you to explore. Charleston founded in 1670 includes beautiful historical houses. There is even the famous rainbow row which features charming houses in a variety of colors. ... The Charleston City Market.
Party Convention also known as Political Convention.
The formal purpose of this convention is to select the party's nominee for President, as well as to adopt a statement of party principles and goals known as the platform and adopt the rules for the party 's activities, including the presidential nominating process for the next election cycle. Before the development of conventions in the United States in the 1830s, American political parties selected candidates and policies in informal caucuses of the parties’ congressional delegations.