C. They helped the American colonies.
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The service of African-Americans in the military had dramatic implications for African-Americans. Black soldiers faced systemic racial discrimination in the army and endured virulent hostility upon returning to their homes at the end of the war.
In 1956 the term Viet Cong came into use and gradually replaced the older term Viet Minh. The government-controlled Saigon press first started using the term referring to communists in South Vietnam as Viet Cong a shortening of Viet Nam Cong-San which means "Vietnamese Communist.
Cuando una nueva familia toma el control, comienza una nueva dinastía. El Mandato del Cielo es lo que los chinos creían que les daba a sus gobernantes el derecho a ser rey o emperador. Significaba que los dioses habían bendecido a esa persona con el derecho a gobernar. Un gobernante tenía que ser bueno y justo para mantener el Mandato del Cielo.