If a Mother had four sons named North, South, and West, the first sons name is most likely East. This is because North, South, East, and West are the different directions you might see on a compase. Since she used 3 out of 4 of the names, it is likely that the other sons name is East.
i dont have a book like that or whatever srry
<u><em>Once a species starts dwindling in numbers, there's a smaller pool of available mates and often a corresponding lack of genetic diversity. This is the reason it's much healthier to marry a complete stranger than your first cousin, since, otherwise, you run the risk of "inbreeding" undesirable genetic traits, like susceptibility to fatal diseases.</em></u>
Simple Sentence: People can learn various things from different generations
Compound Sentence: People can learn how to become better at sports, even in simple life lessons.
I don't want to go to summer school i just need to focus
i dont want to go to summer school , i just need to focus
" " , i jusf need to focus