It's Option D. Buck, Pearl S. <em>The Good Earth.</em> John Day, 1932.
Format for MLA citations: Last name, first name. <em>title</em>. publisher, date.
Now, look at your options and see which one follows this format. The only one option that follows MLA here is option D.
Buck, Pearl S. <em>The Good Earth.</em> John Day, 1932.
This question is called analogy, the comparison of two things or how they are related, im not sure with my answer but im really want to help you though so here are my answers:
21. C. provocative: dull
22. A. scholar: encyclopedia
23. D. literal:figurative
24. A. olfactory:sight
25. B. re: again
In lines 9-12, symbolism is applied through the image of fire. The “glowing” fire signifies the narrator’s dimming youth, as its dull embers will soon expire and turn to “ashes.”
In line 4, Shakespeare uses personification, "sweet birds sang". Birds cannot sing but he was telling us that the birds were chirping and it sounded like a song.
In line 6 and 7, Shakespeare uses personification again. He says, "As after sunset fadeth in the west; Which by and by black night doth take away". This is a personification because the night cannot "take away the sun.
All of these figurative language examples make the poem easier to read and visualize what Shakespeare is saying.
I think its oxygen because they breath in oxygen