Stanley was pressuring Stella to quit working and respond to him. There's just something he has pointed out a little about Blanche. In Laurel, Stanley states that Blanche does have a controversial name. She was really crazy that she had been forced to leave out of the lower-class Flamingo Hotel.
It affected them deeply. It sounds as if they worked too long hours and they were not performing their best because they were so worn out. If workers are not cared for they be pink in the face and weary. They could develop a fever which could possibly get everyone in the facility sick. The work conditions are horrible the works might feel horrible. You cannot hand someone peanut butter and jelly and ask them to make a feast. In the same way poor facility conditions will bring burnt out weary and possibly sickly workers.
can you please but some more context into this so i may help you ?
Euthenics is the term used to refer to a type of study that seeks to promote the improvement of human beings' living conditions. This study is based on concepts such as education, disease prevention, protection, environmental, home education, psychological control, among others.
Although I believe that Euthenics was very influential in my life, some of its concepts were difficult to apply to the reality in which I live, which prevented me from giving a high score on the scale shown above. However, I cannot deny how much Euthenics has helped me to grow as a person.
Answer: option D
Marguerite is perceptive. She has sensitive insight.