A monarch, such as a king or queen, rules a kingdom or empire
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The passage lists a few things which would lend towards the idea of him being a monster. First, it says "god's anger bare he." referring, presumably, to the abrahamic god famous for his wrath, showing that Grendel was exhibiting intense rage. Second, it uses the sentence "The monster intended some one of earthmen in the hall-building grand to entrap and make way with" which, while a written a little backwards by today's grammar rules, says that he is planning to take hold of and kidnap some of the men in the hall, something only a monster could do.<span />
Answer: question 1 would be on the computer as he is not inside it.
question 2 would be on as the time is on top of the watch.
question 9 would be behind as trailed means to drag behind.
question 14 would be at the gate.
question 16 would be on the beach as the waste is on top of the beach.
question 17 would be at the table as the children are not sitting on top of the table.
One main and two subordinate clause