(imma do this one too)
Yesterday I met my boyfriend's family. It is a very interesting family. The stepmother is very tall, skinny and liberal. The papa is the opposite, very short, fat and strict. The older sister was working so I did not know her. His half brother is eight years old. Nothing else interested in his video games. He also called his great-grandparents. They are very good. The dinner was a little silent, not sure what to talk about. But they asked me many strange questions. For example, they asked me what animal I want to be in my next life. They also asked me what color I want the walls of my future home.
1. A mi me gusta usar las corbatas
2. A mi hermano le gusta practicar el futbol y el beisbol.
3. A mias tios siempre les gusta viajar por vacaciones
En los días festivos yo voy a casa de mi abuela. Me divierto con mis primos, vamos para la playa y al cine. Me siento super feliz cuando me encuentro haya. Estar con ellos es lo mejor del mundo.
translated as Not my brother, To my friends.
I believe the answer to this is A.