Because they traded and made profit from selling people from inside their dominions
They often aligned themselves with other developing nations to create a bloc. They have the power of one super power nation, but they are still able to speak their countries opinions. Either wise, they would be completed over powered.
Women were viewed as the second class members within their influence of the roman Catholic church on women's position in the medieval society
Monarchies originated for a newly founded society to function with a leader at the top. They originated at around 3000 BCE most likely in Egypt or Sumer and kings and queens held a divine status there and in many countries after them.
It is difficult to change a type of government in general because that requires changing many parts of how that particular society works. And since the monarch class holds most or all power in a given state it is very hard to convince them that they should stop ruling. This is why violent revolutions against absolute monarch rule happened many times in history.