Here is the listing:
Kings{Leaded the Monarchy(Born as a prince)},Clergy{In some places Pope was over the king(Pope/ religous leadership)},Nobles(Born into a life of nobility),Knights(Noble/doesnt have to be by birth),Merchants,Artisans,Serf
Japan survived not becoming a colonized country due to its defensability, its geography and its military might. It was only humiliated once before WWII, It took two nuclear bombs to get Japan to surrender.
Ethiopia survived becoming a colonized country particularly due to its geography and fauna and because of its centralized government as well, in spite of other countries from Africa which were organized by tribes.
The non-official "official" way the US won ww2 is the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan later surrendered which led to the fall of the Axis Powers.
the Declaration of Independence was formally adopted by the Continental Congress.