A clerk at ellis island would be the definition in this picture
Having Halloween on a Saturday could be dangerous because people could be drunk driving and that could be dangerous for people who are walking in the streets trick or treating.
Lincoln Steffens, Jane Addams, Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Jacob Riis,
Thta is the proper definition of something called environmental determinism. If we are going to talk about cultural ecology we need to say that that is how the physical environment influences the development of cultural traits, it means, religion, warfare, clothing styles, etc. That is how appears the environmental determinism in which the environment determines culture and how the people takes care of it.
Vasco da Gama, conde da (de) Vidigueira (Sines, Portugal, ca. 1460/1469-Cochín, India, 24 de diciembre de 1524), fue un célebre navegante y explorador portugués. En la era de los descubrimientos destacó por haber sido el comandante de los primeros barcos que navegaron directamente desde Europa hasta la India, el viaje oceánico más largo realizado hasta ese momento.1 Al final de su vida, durante un breve período en 1524, fue gobernador de la India portuguesa con el título de virrey.