Because there were a lot of people that supported the movement and so many protests happened that the government realized that they had to fix the system.
I got you
Germanys success in the second World War can be attributed to multiable things first off the motorization of the German Wermacht. Which allowed them to advance at speeds that were never done before in modern warefare were previously it would have been done by foot. The speed also created another factor in where while invading nuetral belgium. The rate at which they advanced through the country, caused the refugees fleeing the war to overwhelmed allied Belgium, English, and French troops who were trying to counter Wermacht. This style of Warfare would be labeled the Blitzkrieg (Lightning War). Another thing allowing the German soldiers to fight over several nights in a row was the invention of pervitin which was actually methamphetamine. But for the obvious long term effects of giving soldiers meth, they had to stop this practice after the initial crossing of the Ardenne. They also were given the element of surprise and because of the memories of the first world war the french enlisted moral war quite low not to say that any of them didnt fight very hard.
According to Harry Truman, when a government is controlled by a minority, it is leaning on terror and oppression, resulting in a controlled press and radio, truncated elections and the suppression of personal liberties.
Putting it in context: Referring to the events that occurred in Germany and Japan, as in other countries, with respect to totalitarian parties; and before the resignation of England to the trusteeship over Greece and Turkey, in 1947, Harry Truman, who was then president of the United States, considered that free and independent nations should be helped to maintain their freedom. Therefore, he considered that the governments of Greece and Turkey should be supported, intervening in the defense against the communist revolt, supporting the governments of those countries.
It is in this sense that he affirmed that the policy that the United States should support was one that would help the peoples that fight against the armed minorities or against the external pressures that try to subjugated them. He affirmed that free peoples should be helped to fulfill their own destinies in the way they decide.
I hope this helps. Greetings.
The figure shows five polygons: ABCDE, FGHIJ, KLMNO, PQRST, and UVWXY.
cannot be mapped onto the others by similarity transformations.