Anna has been dead for more than a few hours.
There must have been enough time for the flies to find the body and lay the eggs.
Both Mercury and Bromine exist in the liquid state at room temperature.
I am not 100% sure but it is most likely D. Also- I like your icon
As image is not provided,let's discuss about ecological succession.
Ecological succession can be described as the development of a community from its pioneer to climax community. There are two types of ecological succession:
Primary ecological succession: This type of succession occurs in lands where there was no life before or in lands where signs of life have completely been removed like an lava eruption. The rocks in this land are broken down and slowly, pioneer species begin to grow.
Secondary Succession: This type of succession arises after a natural disaster like fire etc or after any human activity has wiped out the previous community which survived on this land. smalls shrubs and grass starts to grow back on this land, which is replaced by the intermediate species and finally with the climax community.