Because the constitution was better
The Romans made democracy, many of the words they used are used in our language, and they where the first country to use voting
"Sovereignty" means control over one's own nation or territory.
Hawaii was concerned with sovereignty in 1884 because in that year the Kingdom of Hawaii was signing a treaty that gave the United States "the exclusive right to enter the harbor of the Pearl River in the Island of Oahu" (in other words, Pearl Harbor), "and to establish and maintain there a coaling and repair station for the use of vessels of the United States, and to that end the United States may improve the entrance to said harbor and do all other things needful to the purpose aforesaid." (You can tell I'm quoting from the actual treaty there.)
When the treaty was reaffirmed and extended in 1887, King Kalaukaua of Hawaii said to the Hawaiian legislature that his government had assurances from the US government that the treaty did "not cede any territory or part with or impair any right of sovereignty or jurisdiction on the part of the Hawaiian Kingdom."
Ultimately, however, in an age when imperialism was common throughout the world, the United States did take over control of Hawaii. In the late 1800s, the US supported American sugar planters who overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy, and by 1900 Hawaii became a US territory.
In Twenty Years at Hull-House, Jane Addams tells of the poverty and abuses that existed during the Industrial Revolution in the United States. The book includes eighteen chapters, illustrations, an index, and photographs. Addams begins with some personal background. She was a sickly child, and she was greatly influenced by her wealthy father, a strong admirer and supporter of Abraham Lincoln. Addams attended all-female Rockford College and left there determined to study medicine and help the poor. Her ill health returned, however, and she was unable to complete her medical studies. Her desire to help the poor remained. She spent several years traveling in the United States and Europe, where she was introduced to poverty and suffering in many places. She lived for a time in London, among the needy and suffering.
Upon her return to the United States, she and Ellen Starr founded Hull-House in the slums of Chicago in January, 1889. The search for the perfect location was lengthy, and Hull-House was named for the original owner of the large home.
The rest of the book details the activities of Addams and the people who inhabited and relied upon Hull-House. Addams was an active lecturer, and there are many quotes from her writings and lectures in the book. She concentrated not on the day-to-day running of Hull-House but on the larger issues of the times. Hull-House founded a kindergarten and day nursery.
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