"Sagacity" refers to the ability of a person to make sound judgement. It is similar to wisdom. In this case, it refers to the self-reliance of Yorkshire men.
"To bestow" is to present something as a gift. It is often used as a synonym of "to confer" (an honor, an award). The word here refers to reluctance of Yorkshire men to offer assistance to others.
This info came from down below, also sorry this is years late.
Read more on Brainly.com - brainly.com/question/11284558#readmore
Teamwork is a very important thing when it comes to big or large tasks. You can split things up between each other. It can always lighten up the load. I know this becuase when my friends or I have a story that we have trouble on. We go to each other and we split up the chapters or the characters or whatever part we are having trouble with. It always makes things easier and helps us make the deadline we have for are selves or the actual deadline.
I hope this helps
If you need to answer those questions then read the book again then answer the questions. What helps me is to reread the page or passage again
A connotation is the feeling a word invokes. A denotation is what the word literally says.
Example: If these words were on a trip, connotation would be the baggage, and denotation would be the traveler.
Right now I am stuck with not being able to make significant money because I haven't heard from my client for about 2 1/2 weeks ie no communication so consequently have not been paid and have no new work. A new way to think about it is, "no hay mal que bien no venga" which means there is not a bad thing that something good does not come of it. In my case, it has given me the time to work on my historical book which is at the publisher's and which needs my attention.I can seek help by talking to the internet agency that my client uses and have them try to call him. If he no longer has work, then I can bid on new contracts that come up as ones are always coming up.