Climate change can worsen the intensity of tropical storms (such as hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones) in several ways, including by making record rainfall more likely and by causing sea levels to rise, which can raise the risk of storm surges.
Chain migration is the social process by which migrants from a particular town follow others from that town to a particular destination, it assures that the mover is part of an established migrant flow from a common origin to a prepared destination,the prepared destination may be in another country or in a new location within the same country
Step migration involves the place transition from, for example, rural to central city residence through a series of less extreme locational changes, from farm to small town to suburb, and finally to the major central city itself
One crater caused by a meteorite is called the "Barringer" crater and it is <span>approximately 37 miles (60 km) east of </span>Flagstaff<span> and 18 miles (29 km) west of </span><span>Winslow.</span>
a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.