Wien’s Law:

The law states that the wavelength at which black body emits maximum heat is inversely proportional to the temperature of the body in Kelvins.

1) Walls at 300 K

2) Ice water at 273 K :

3) Hot water at 373 K :

4)Skin at 310 K:

5)An incandescent light bulb at 3000 K

Water is the rarest resource in the Middle East. For an extra tip, what I do when I have a question that isn't answered, I also look up quizlets :)
There are total 13 countries which equator passes through. Basically two of them are Congo and Brazil.
Equator refers to the imaginary line which divide the globe into two hemisphere that are southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere. Some continent lies in the southern hemisphere and some lies in the northern hemispheres.
There are totally 3 continents which lie through equator name as
1. Asia
2. South America and Africa
3. Congo and Brazil, are the countries whose major latitude and longitude go through equator.
Answer: The glacial-interglacial cycle is triggered by changes in Earth's orbit around the Sun, and, as a result, there is approximately 100,000 years between interglacials (or glacials).