<span>it is 1 of only two volcanoes that is inhabited by people, and it is the only volcano that has its land cultivated</span>
These types of verbs don't have to tell us who or what is performing the action, but they may do so in a prepositional phrase. These types of verbs are formed with the help of a helping verb.
En este contexto es en el que Miguel Delibes publica sus primeras novelas y comienza su actividad periodística en El Norte de Castilla, periódico vallisoletano en el que irá ocupando puestos cada vez más relevantes. En 1952 es nombrado subdirector y director en 1958
El es Inteligente
el means he, es means is, inteligente means smart, so the picture is showing he is smart, so the answer is el es inteligente