Thomas Aquinas was an avid reader of Aristotle and sought to reconcile Greek philosophy with the collection of theological productions. He said that although philosophy and theology seem to disagree on some points, they only differ in their interpretation, since both seek the truth. Thus the religion of philosophers is to know the foundation of things, while theology is concerned with human actions.
At early stages, yes, very soon they lost all popularity, even among the conservatives. That is because at first the idea behind it was that it was honorable and good because it stopped communism. Very soon everyone realized what kind of a hell the war was and that it was pointless and that there would be no problems with them even if they did turn into a Communist state. The negative effect it had on people was unspeakable.
Samuels trip was to the north side it was really hard friend because a lot of his men died and they had to eat only the water of seals and only seal meat