Umm... add more? Stretch things out, talk. This is an opportunity to add more to make your iMovie perfect.
The correct answer to this question would be "Motion Paths"
The person who answered before got it wrong, motion paths is the only category that provides custom animations. Good luck!
Gouache painting- can be used as a trendy background for posters, cards, invitations. Natural pattern, CORAL colors with golden powder, mixed paints. Paper marbling is a method of aqueous surface design, which can produce patterns similar to smooth marble or other kinds of stone
i had to look at it a few on b and c because i thought it could be c but got to looking more and its b, because yes it uses some neutral colors in it but green is not a neutral color it is a secondary color and its using both secondary and neutral colors and the answers d and a to me anyway seemed like to simple and their trying to throw u off because yes their are lively brushstrokes and daps but thats a throw off answer and a, there are not defined shapes in there but the bridge if u want to count that as a shape and the trees arent a shape so that would only leave u with answer b
Answer: the correct option is A: to speak