It was a confluence of influences - from Paul Cézanne and Henri Rousseau, to archaic and tribal art - that encouraged Picasso to lend his figures more structure and ultimately set him on the path towards Cubism, in which he deconstructed the conventions of perspective that had dominated painting since the Renaissance. These innovations would have far-reaching consequences for practically all of modern art, revolutionizing attitudes to the depiction of form in space.
It doesn't matter who you're talking to weather they are younger or older you still just say "Como estas"
Your answer should be pan cause pan= bread and bread= grain
Hello :)
The Answer is (aquellos)
una explicacion cientifica es una explicacion de un fenomeno a partir de una teoria cientifica. La mitologia es un conjunto de mitos relativamente cohesionados o paralelamente adheridos. Un mito urbano es Un mito urbano es un relato que a lo mejor sucedió realmente pero que en ocasiones no es cierto.