1. Patrick Stewart delivers Titus' long speech from Act III, Scene 1 of Titus Andronicus twice--once in a manner that Barton ref
ers to as "generalized," once not. What specific differences did you notice in the two performances? 2. Barton concludes by noting: "In dialogue, a character reaches out to another character, and in a soliloquy, a character reaches out to the audience. How does Michael Pennington reach out to you as the audience in his performance of Hamlet's soliloquy?
3. With Barton's general direction and the company's examples as your guides, read Marc Antony's speech below (also on page 822 of your text) and decide how it should be delivered. Which lines should be delivered softly, which ones with much emotion? Why did you choose them?
1) <span> The specific differences that I noticed in the two performances mentioned above are that t</span>he first one was very touching and totally emotional, I bet that the author wanted to make us go through this perfomance in the shouse of the characters but because of this decision it was kind of hard to concentrate on the words. In the seconfd performance these two points (emotional and textual) are balanced so it was more holistic.
2) The way how Michael Pennington reaches out to you as the audience in his performance of Hamlet's soliloquy is his personal attitude he expressed to those who came to watch it by looking right at the camera while delivering his soliloquy.
3) There is no photo or excerpt of the page that you have to analyze, and I can depend only on the Speech: “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears” from Julius Caesar, spoken by Marc Antony. I think that any of line should be rid, or changed in tone, because this is the major point that shapes and reveals the Antony's character who is considered as a <span>superficial man.