The correct word you are looking for is Collectivization
the ability to walk away from a purchase when negotiating. 7. how many ... True or False: Most countries, except for the U.S., use negotiating as a way of life. True. Okay
So he can buy the land of the people who are being sentenced to death so he can gain more land for himself. ... Francis Nurse, Giles Corey and Reverend Hale are his allies and Reverend Parris is his enemies.
C) People who are loved and cared for are strong and happy
When Mary first meets Colin, he is shut away in his room. While he has visitors that attend to his needs, he does not feel loved and cared for on a daily basis. After Mary starts to pay attention to Colin and play with him, he becomes stronger. They become close and develop a great friendship. As their friendship grows, so does Colin's strength and happiness.
A label is a small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it. It can also be a classifying phrase or name applied to a person or thing, especially one that is inaccurate or restrictive. "the alcohol content is clearly stated on the label"
If its used as a verb it means assign to a category, especially inaccurately or restrictively. "the critics labeled him as a loser"