Porosity is defined as the total percentage of pore spaces that are present within a rock. These spaces are found between the rock particles and fractures and are mostly filled with fluid mixture or water. It is the ratio between the total pore space in a rock to the total volume of the rock. It is mainly calculated in terms of percentage.
Porosity is directly affected by sorting. Well-sorted rocks indicate high porosity but poorly-sorted rocks indicate low porosity. Some of the examples of rocks exhibiting high porosity are limestone, shale, and sandstone. Rocks with low porosity include granite and mudstone.
when the sea levels rose above the shore
It was possible that the theory of continental drifts caused water levels to rise, thus making the pieces of so-called Pangaea not fit perfectly.
Another theory could be due to weathering and erosion of the continents to create a new shape of each continent.
man made things
they do not have control over nature like weather or tides