Air need to be broad to help u think
Most isolationists felt that there was no need for americans to feel threatened by developments in Europe and Asia because the vast pacific and atlantic oceans insulated the country from troubles in those regions, and the United States had formed friendly alliances with all the other nations in the Western hemisphere.
Answer: 1 stands for Arabia
2 stands for Egypit, Persia, and Syria
3 stands for Spain and Berbers
1 stands for At the death of Muhammad, 632
2 stands for After the conquest of the first four caliphs, 661
3 stands for After the conquest of the Umayyad caliphs, 750
It was believed that the 'spirit of party and faction' would have a negative implication because one party may feel like the government is disregarding the right of another or the good of the whole, this was according to Madison, he further stated that the consequence of this will be creation of conflict between two parties which may further lead to conflict within the country.