the Party has altered the records to reflect their version
In this passage from Henry David Thoreau's Walden, the narrator uses strong sensory language to create clear images - to, in essence, paint a clear picture in words - of the forest and the hills. The narrator is able, through the use of such strong sensory language and imagery to give the read a clear image of what he is describing, which, in turns, makes the scene he is describing come to life.
Since pathos is an emotional appeal to the audience. so in this case to convince someone to donate money for a park, you could tell them stories about children who do not have parks to play at or a vision of all of the happy children playing at the park. Really anything that is going to evoke some kind of emotion out of the reader/viewer
probably the sound of it sounds like an argument.
but not really sure, cause never took music classes before.
Jim bought Della a comb. Della bout Jim a platinum fob chain.