Around 42% of the worlds lumber harvest goes to pulp and paper production. ^^ Glad I could help.
Tropical, because their aren't any large dangerous animals, only snakes that could be avoided. They can fish or eat local produce, that the climate provides, so they probably wont starve. They wont freeze from hypothermia as long as they make fire by night, and they wont over heat like they would in the dessert, because they have trees to shade them and it is cooler by the water. Unlike in the dessert, or tundra the chance of finding clean water is greater, so they probably wont dehydrate. Also most tropical islands have coconuts they can also drink.
The civil disobedience movement was an act of nonviolent civil disobedience in colonial India led by Mahatma Gandhi. The twenty four day march lasted from 12 March 1930 to 5 April 1930 as a direct action campaign of tax resistance and nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly.
I would love to talk but school
hope this helps ❣️
The question is kind of tricky. D-Day was the code word for the Allied invasion of France, so D is definitely a possible answer. But the PURPOSE of that invasion was in part to defend Britain, which at the time was being threatened by Nazi air attacks and by a possible Nazi invasion. So A is possible as well.
The overthrow of Mussolini was certainly a factor in the Allied strategy, but the invasion of Italy, not France, was how that task was accomplished. So C is out.
There's competing evidence over how much the Allies knew about Auschwitz by the time of D-Day. Either way, the immediate purpose of D-Day was not to free the Jews from Auschwitz, though that was an ultimate result of D-Day. So B is out.
Since the question is asking the PURPOSE of D-Day, I think A is the best answer. D is more of a description of what D-Day WAS rather than an explanation of its PURPOSE.
20 providences were divided