A. They worked as farmers
During the 1700's the population was almost completely rural. Most American's didn't have any other choice but to farm off of the land they owned.
The most important resource would be water.
Answer: yes i do think the election was fair reason be all the votes that were sent by mail were indeed late but not before the election date. Not only did Joe Biden past the 270 mark he won with 290.
The basic statute enforced by the FTC, Section 5(a) of the FTC Act, empowers the agency to investigate and prevent unfair methods of competition, and unfair or deceptive acts or practices affecting commerce. This creates the Agency's two primary missions: protecting competition and protecting consumers.
(hoped this helped)
All the books of the Old Testament, or Torah in Judaism. This includes belief in a loving, all-power (monotheistic) God and the moral law.