C because there’s no conflict
The powerful winds that hit around 4: 00 p. m. blew the fire up the drainage at the hottest time of day. and turpines, having baked for hours, could conceivably have lit the whole hillside practically at once.
fire behavior is determined by an incredibly complicated interaction of fuel, terrain, and wind, and there are mathematical models describing the interaction.
s]ometimes a combination of wind, fuel, and terrain conspires to produce a blowup in which the fire explodes out of control.
gusts of 35 mph ⦠produce sixty-four-foot flames racing up the mountain at up to fifteen feet per second. in the superdry gambel oak, the rate of spread would have been almost twice that.
<span>"and his smile showed red lips and pointed teeth." is a good hint.
If you think about it, this line is the only one that would be used to describe an animal.
You can ask yourself, what do you think of when you read that line.
When I read it I could almost imagine a predator like a wolf snarling, showing it's vicious teeth. In effect, when he opened his mouth to smile it's like you're getting a glimpse into him and his nature.
<span>After Jack learns that Miss Prism accidentally left him in the handbag at Victoria station, he embraces her with joy. She is taken aback, claiming that she is unmarried, and he goes on to mention that, while “that is a serious blow” to know his ‘mother’ had gotten pregnant from a random man, there is no need “to be one law for men and another for women” and she is forgiven (177). Wilde is trying to state that women and men should be on the same respective level when it comes to matters of fault. He forgives her for her “act of folly”, saying that women should be forgiven just as easily as men can be forgiven for their wrongdoings, like how easily Jack and Algernon were forgiven by the girls for lying about their names (177).</span>