Answer: An important aspect of the writing process is idea generation. One good strategy for coming up with ideas is brainstorming. The idea behind brainstorming is to think freely and creatively about an idea, writing down anything that comes to mind. Brainstorming is also a useful technique for problem solving.
Each cost would be four:)!!
The price of eggs would rise because there are still many people who want eggs, but not enough eggs to go around.
Super Teacher Worksheets
By: Elie Wiesel
“The beloved objects that we had carried with us from place to place were left behind in the wagon and, with them, finally, our illusions. Every few yards, there stood an SS man, his machine gun trained on us. Hand in hand we followed the throng.”
By what the other characters say about the character, by what the character says, by what the author says, by what the character does